
English to Finnish translation

An English to Finnish translation should be equally as eloquent as if it were originally written by a brilliant Finnish copywriter. After all, as the text will be published in your name, it is your reputation on the line!

Local presence

Ninety-nine per cent of our Finnish translators live in Finland. This means that they can clarify questions with local professionals in all the country’s industries and remain culturally up to date.

It’s all Greek Finnish to me

Our office in Helsinki, Samtext Finland, ensures that Finnish translations are quality-assured, something that only they are able to do. The rest of us generally do not understand a single word of Finnish.

Finnish does not use prepositions or articles, but instead uses cases and additional syllables. Therefore, many of the words become extremely long, and proofreading should definitely be done by a Finn, as it is often necessary to hyphenate words for space and cosmetic reasons. We do not recommend that anyone else attempt this. For this reason, we also deliver translations in InDesign, with proofreading included.

Not just freelance translators

Everyone who translates English to Finnish for Samtext – and from all other source languages for that matter – are native Finns. 99 per cent of them also live in Finland. This means that they can converse with local industry professionals and remain linguistically and culturally up to date. Our Helsinki office has focused on building up a professional environment of in-house translators, rather than outsourcing all the work to freelancers.

Not just one specialist area

In any given month, our translators can be working on texts concerning law, finance, IT, cars, tourism, interior design, fashion and art, to name a few – and they deal with more genres, surfaces and channels than most people have even heard of. This includes videos, newsletters, search engine optimised web pages, company blogs and social media postings. Target audiences range from teenagers to pensioners: gamers, financial analysts, doctors, refugees, first-time mothers, tourists, estate agents, property buyers, patients, personnel managers, potential organ donors, and those whose car warranty is about to expire. All of these groups need texts that are written specifically for them.

Not just one source language

Many of the translations we provide into Norwegian have English as the source language, which is definitely the largest language pair in the Finnish translation market. But we also translate a lot of texts into Finnish from Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and all the other European languages, plus the occasional text from Russian, Chinese, Arabic and so on.

Four tips for ordering English to Finnish translation

1. Tell us what the text will be used for, if this is not obvious.

2. If you have any illustrations or reference materials, send those too. They make it much easier to properly understand the source text.

3. Provide a description of the target audience that is as precise as possible. This is particularly important for marketing texts. If a brochure on a new medicinal product will go out to Finnish doctors, our translators won’t use the same vocabulary as they would in a corresponding brochure for Finnish patients.

4. If your company has a glossary and linguistic guidelines for Finnish (such as tone of voice), please provide this as well.

Request a quote

Ring +358 10 219 3370, send an e-mail to, or use this form:

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    “… as if it were originally written by a brilliant Finnish copywriter.”
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    0166 Oslo, Norway
    Tel. +47 22 80 52 00