
Web text

What you write on your website should make people interested, and get them to like the company, remember what they have read – and tell others about it. How can a website’s text be that good? Ask Samtext Creative!

Wouldn’t it be great if your website had such well-written “About us” pages, news articles and marketing texts that readers were compelled to look at your products and services – and not just that, but also tell others about the site at lunch or on their coffee breaks? This is completely possible. The best online texts have that effect on people, and they generate a constant stream of interest, sales and goodwill for the company.

Web texts are often the customers’ first encounter with the company. When such a text is expertly written, it really shouldn’t be their last.

One distinctive characteristic of web texts is the short time you have at your disposal. The headline must catch the reader’s attention, the introduction needs to keep it, and, in the digital world, you then have only a few seconds before the average reader clicks on in their search for gold. The introduction must be so interesting that it elicits the desired response!

Web text and maths – Yin and Yang or compatible?

Furthermore, web text must be written in such a way that the search engines not only find your website but rank it as highly as possible in the search results. This is dictated by Google’s search engine algorithm and adds a mathematical dimension to the task. The web text must be search engine optimised.

The art is to incorporate the mathematical requirements into the text – how long the text should be, where to put the keywords, how many times they should be repeated, and so on. All this needs to be done in such an intelligent way that the text still engages the reader.

Moreover, Google changes its search engine algorithm often and without warning. Therefore, the web text author’s job is also to maintain the text so that it keeps up with these changes.

Could your website text be improved?

Samtext Creative’s web text authors know a lot about creative writing. But they also have a nose for what will appeal to your company’s potential customers.

Interested? We are happy to talk to you about your web text needs.

“You only have a few seconds before the average reader clicks on in their search for gold.”
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Pilestredet 28
0166 Oslo, Norway
Tel. +47 22 80 52 00